Contribute to Living Wisdom High School
Your tax-deductible donation will help the students of Living Wisdom High School to have richer, fuller experiences and to successfully prepare for their lives ahead — mentally, academically, socially, and spiritually.
If you have been touched by what you have seen or heard here, please help us continue to serve these young people in exciting and dynamic ways. Every gift, of any amount, is important.
Many Hands Make a Miracle &
Your Contributions Create Possibility!
Teachers & Staff
Living Wisdom School (TK-12th grade) is a nonprofit. Our largest expense is compensating the wonderful teachers and staff who make the school possible. For all of us, the unique Education for Life philosophy is a mission to which we have dedicated our lives. We receive salaries that are roughly 70 percent of the average for teachers and staff in this area’s public and private schools. Yet, because of our low student-teacher ratio, tuition covers just 80 percent of total expenses. So we must rely on yearly donations to cover the rest.
Living Wisdom teaches children to interact, respect, and engage with people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. This requires that we have a population of students with diverse ethnic backgrounds, academic abilities, and economic levels. We give scholarships to students who would otherwise be unable to afford our tuition. How many scholarships we are able to give depends entirely on the donations we receive.
New Campus
The number of students we are able to accept is limited by the size of our school building. Our classes fill quickly, and have a waiting list each year. Our long-term vision is for a much larger school that includes the elementary, middle, & high school grades. Naturally, this will require a much larger campus. To accomplish this goal, we will need to purchase a location, or secure a large enough endowment fund so that we can securely sign a long-term lease.
This is, obviously, a long-term quest that will require major funding. If you, or a foundation you work for, would be like to take part in this effort, please contact us (see below). Our children’s and their children’s lives will benefit greatly from having Education for Life spread through society.
A larger campus will enable many more students to benefit from our proven methods of helping young people achieve success in academics and in life. And a larger school will give parents and educators a more visible example, and hope that a truly uplifting education for children is possible. Last, but not least, it will enable us to train teachers who can carry this inspiring system elsewhere.
Annual Service & Adventure Travel
In support of the cultivation of maturity as a central tenant of development in the teenage years, Living Wisdom students participate in a service adventure trip each year. Students help to earn funds, plan, and lead these programs which take place both domestically and internationally.
Program Endowments in the Sciences & Arts
Our school is dedicated to awakening a love of learning and engagement with life through the arts and sciences. Contributions to these programs enable us to expand and enrich school programs and internship based offerings.
Thank You!
If you would like to discuss opportunities to help in any of these areas, please contact us directly at: 650-646-1066.
Thank you!
Kshama Kellogg, High School Director
Donations by check can be made out to “Living Wisdom High School” and sent to the school at: 4000 Middlefield Rd. Box 29, Palo Alto, Ca 94303. Thank you.
Living Wisdom School is a tax-exempt corporation (EIN # 77-0521380) organized under Internal Revenue Section 501 (c) (3). Your contribution is tax-deductible.