Living Wisdom High School of Palo Alto 

is overjoyed to announce the publication of our new book: 

 How to Read Happiness & Success in High School.  

New Chapters will be released weekly. Scroll down to find the latest.


Happiness & Success in High School is available for purchase through Amazon. Proceeds support our efforts to bring quality meditation and balanced living programs to teens and parents in the community.


 "It’s a wonderful book and fun to read. I hope that all parents who are seeking an education for their children that includes a balance of academic excellence and the development of indispensable personal qualities that will help to ensure their success in school and for all their lives will read this book.”

- Director, K-8 Living Wisdom School, Helen Purcell

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A full download of the book will be available shortly.  This is our gift to the community. 
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From the Back Cover

CAN A BALANCED EDUCATION solve the problems confronting schools today? Surely the answer lies in educating the individual. A lockstep curriculum that ignores each student’s special strengths sets too many up for failure. “Studying to the test” fails to give the students an in-depth awareness of underlying principles. Filling their heads with quickly forgotten facts without building on their natural enthusiasm for learning creates burnout, rebellion, and one-sided graduates who are inadequately prepared for the challenges of college and adult life. This book explains why a balanced, highly individualized curriculum that includes educating the students’ hearts as well as their minds nurtures highly engaged, happy learners who perform brilliantly in high school and beyond. 


Introduction/Chapter 1


Young people who are subjected to a one-sided, academically overloaded curriculum are at risk not only of receiving a relatively superficial education; they end up less well-prepared mentally and emotionally to succeed in college. Perhaps most troubling, they are less likely to acquire important personal qualities that are defining among successful people.
Begin Reading Now
© 2022 Living Wisdom High School in Palo Alto, an alternative, holistic, private high school serving the Peninsula, Silicon Valley, and the San Francisco Bay Area.  Focusing on mastery-based learning, self-discovery, service learning, adventure, academic excellence, and supportive community. 

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